Understanding the Impact of Texas Intestate Succession


Dying without a will in Texas means your estate becomes “intestate.” This triggers Texas Intestate Succession laws, a set of default rules that dictate who inherits your assets. Instead of you deciding, Texas law makes that choice for you.

If you have minor children, a spouse, or loved ones who depend on you, the last thing you want is for them to be left navigating complex legal processes while grieving.

In this article, let’s explore Texas intestate succession principles, special considerations in such cases, and the legal implications of dying without a will, emphasizing the importance of a thorough estate planning.

When a Texan Dies Without a Will

Intestate succession applies to all property that would have passed through a will—such as bank accounts, real estate, and personal belongings. It does not apply to assets with designated beneficiaries, like life insurance policies or retirement accounts. 

The Texas intestate succession complications can impact the way estates are distributed under Texas intestacy laws, introducing challenges for families who must abide by the legal order of inheritance in Texas intestacy law. The reality is that Texas intestate laws often fail to reflect modern family dynamics, leading to delays, financial burdens, and family disputes. 

If you’re married, own property, have children from a prior relationship, or have loved ones you wish to provide for, you cannot assume Texas laws will align with your wishes. Texas intestate succession puts your family at risk of financial instability and emotional hardship. Understanding these laws is essential for preventive planning and avoiding complications during probate. 

Skilled and experienced Texas estate attorneys like Reyna Law specialize in estate planning offers expert guidance to navigate the complexities of the Texas intestacy law and probate process. Whether you live in Austin, Dripping Springs, or elsewhere in Central Texas, Reyna Law can create a comprehensive plan, including trusts and wills, to protect your family and ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

General Principles of Intestate Succession in Texas

Spousal Rights and Community Property

In Texas, the rights of a surviving spouse are a critical component of intestate succession. When a married individual dies without a will, the distribution of their estate is significantly influenced by the distinction between community and separate property.

Community property, which includes all assets acquired during the marriage except for gifts and inheritances, is handled differently from separate property. For community property:

  • If all children are from the current marriage, the surviving spouse inherits the entire community property, retaining their half and inheriting the deceased spouse’s half.

  • However, if there are children from previous relationships, the community property is divided: the surviving spouse retains their half, and the deceased spouse’s half is distributed among all children, regardless of whether they are from the current or previous relationships.

Division Among Descendants

When it comes to descendants, Texas intestate succession laws prioritize the distribution of assets to children and their descendants. If the deceased has children, the distribution of separate property is as follows:

  • The surviving spouse receives one-third of the separate personal property, while the remaining two-thirds are distributed among the children or their descendants.

  • For separate real property, the surviving spouse receives a life estate in one-third of the property, and the children or their descendants receive the remainder.

The distribution among descendants follows a specific hierarchy:

  • If all children are from the same relationship, they inherit equally.

  • If there are children from different relationships, the distribution can become more complex. For example, if children from a previous relationship are involved, the deceased spouse’s share of community property and separate property is divided accordingly, potentially reducing the surviving spouse’s share.

Extended Family Inheritance

In the absence of a spouse or descendants, Texas intestate succession laws dictate that the estate is distributed to extended family members. If there are no surviving descendants or spouse:

  • The estate passes to the parents of the deceased.

  • If only one parent survives, that parent inherits the entire estate.

  • If there are no surviving parents, the estate is divided among siblings and their descendants.

  • If there are no siblings or their descendants, the estate is further divided between paternal and maternal grandparents, uncles, cousins, and other relatives.

It is important to note that stepchildren do not inherit under Texas intestate succession laws, as they are not considered automatic heirs. Additionally, adopted children, including those adopted as adults, have the same inheritance rights as biological children.


Special Considerations in Intestate Cases

Homestead Rights

In Texas, the homestead rights of a surviving spouse are a significant consideration in intestate cases. According to Article XVI, § 52 of the Texas Constitution, a surviving spouse has the right to remain in the homestead property, whether it is community property or the deceased spouse’s separate property, for their entire life or until they voluntarily relinquish this right. This protection ensures that the surviving spouse cannot be forced to leave the homestead by the heirs of the deceased spouse.

For example, if a surviving spouse's partner had children from a previous marriage, those children cannot compel the surviving spouse to vacate the homestead property. This right continues even if the surviving spouse remarries, but it does not extend to the new spouse if the surviving spouse passes away.

Issues with Illegitimate Children and Adoption

Texas intestate succession laws also address the rights of illegitimate children and adopted children, which can add complexity to the distribution of an estate.

Illegitimate Children

Illegitimate children in Texas have full inheritance rights, similar to those of legitimate children. To establish these rights, the child must prove paternity through certain criteria, such as:

  • The child being born during or within 300 days of the parents' marriage.

  • The father continuously residing with the child and representing the child as his own during the first two years of the child's life.

  • The father voluntarily asserting his paternity in a record filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics or on the birth certificate.

If these conditions are met, an illegitimate child can inherit from the father's estate, even if the father did not leave a will. However, paternity can be rebutted by a DNA test, and any claim must be brought within four years of the father's death.

Adopted Children

Adopted children, including those adopted as adults, have the same inheritance rights as biological children under Texas law. This means they can inherit from their adoptive parents, grandparents, and other family members just as biological children would. This policy ensures that adopted children are treated equally in the eyes of the law, preventing any discrimination in the distribution of the estate.

In cases where a will was created before the adoption, the adopted child still retains their rightful inheritance. This highlights the importance of updating estate plans after significant family changes to ensure fairness and clarity. 

By working with Reyna Law, our Texas law experts will guide you through every step to ensure your plan is being reviewed and updated as needed. You have the power to avoid these problems with a legally structured plan. Having a comprehensive estate plan eliminates future complications, giving your loved ones clarity and peace of mind.


Legal Implications of Dying Intestate

Court Involvement and Legal Costs

When an individual dies without a will in Texas, the estate is subject to intestate succession laws, which often involve significant court involvement. This process, known as probate, is a court-supervised procedure to settle the deceased person’s estate and distribute the property to their heirs. The probate process can be lengthy and costly. Below are some key aspects to consider:

  • Filing the Probate Application: The process begins with filing a probate application with the Texas probate court. This must be done by someone with an interest in the deceased person’s assets, such as a family member or creditor.

  • Appointment of an Administrator: Unlike an executor named in a will, an administrator must be appointed by the court to manage the estate. This administrator is responsible for identifying and collecting assets, settling debts, paying taxes, and distributing assets according to state law. The administrator often must post a bond to protect the estate’s assets, adding to the overall costs.

  • Determination of Heirship: The court conducts a formal hearing to determine the heirs, which involves documenting marriages, divorces, births, deaths, and evidence of adoption or paternity. This process can be complex, especially in cases involving blended families or multiple generations of heirs.

  • Asset Inventory and Appraisal: The administrator must compile a detailed inventory of all assets and their values. This can be challenging, particularly when dealing with business interests, digital assets, intellectual property rights, and international assets.

The legal costs associated with probate can be substantial, including court fees, attorney fees, and the costs of administering the estate. These expenses are typically deducted from the estate, reducing the amount available for distribution to the heirs.

Loss of Control Over Asset Distribution

One of the most significant legal implications of dying intestate is the complete loss of control over how your assets are distributed. Without a will, Texas intestate succession laws dictate the distribution of your estate, which may not align with your personal wishes or the needs of your family.

  • State Law Hierarchy: The laws follow a strict hierarchy, prioritizing immediate family members such as the surviving spouse, children, parents, and then more distant relatives. This hierarchy does not take into account any specific wishes or preferences you may have had for your estate.

  • Potential for Family Disputes: The rigid application of state laws can lead to family disputes and conflicts, especially in cases where the distribution does not reflect the deceased’s intentions. For instance, close friends or distant relatives who might have been intended to receive certain assets may be entirely excluded from the inheritance.

  • Inflexibility: Unlike a will or a revocable living trust, intestate succession laws do not allow for any customization or flexibility in asset distribution. This inflexibility can result in outcomes that are not only unexpected but also undesirable from the perspective of the deceased and their loved ones.

At Reyna Law, we help Texas families like yours take proactive steps to avoid intestate succession. By understanding the complexities of dying intestate, we can see the importance of creating a will or other estate planning documents to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes and keep your loved ones out of unnecessary court battles.


Conclusion: The Importance of Estate Planning

Understanding the implications of Texas intestate succession is essential for anyone looking to protect their assets, secure their loved ones' inheritance, and plan for their legacy. By creating a will, establishing trusts, and appointing guardians for minor children, you can ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes and minimize the risk of family conflicts.

Every day you wait to create an estate plan is another day your family remains unprotected. At Reyna Law, we make the estate planning process easy, straightforward, and stress-free. Protect your wealth nowStart by booking a Peace of Mind Planning Session today. Online consulting is available for your convenience. Normally a $450 value, mention this blog and we’ll waive the fee

You’ve worked hard to build a life for your loved ones and you deserve peace of mind knowing they will be cared for. Don’t let Texas law decide their future!


What are the intestate succession rules in Texas?
Texas has established legal guidelines that determine how a deceased person’s assets are allocated among their heirs when no will is in place.

Who inherits under Texas intestate succession laws?
In Texas, heirs are identified based on their familial connection to the deceased, with priority typically given to spouses, children, and other close relatives.

How are assets divided among extended family members in intestate succession?
If the deceased has no surviving spouse or children, Texas intestate laws specify how the estate is distributed among remaining relatives, such as parents, siblings, or more distant kin.

What happens to debts and creditors in the intestate succession process?
Before assets are passed to heirs, any outstanding debts must be settled, meaning creditors may have a claim against the estate before distribution occurs.

How can I prevent my estate from going through intestate succession in Texas?
Drafting a legally valid will is the best way to ensure your assets are distributed according to your preferences rather than defaulting to Texas succession laws. It is recommended to seek legal advice from an experienced estate planning attorney.

estate lawyer dripping springs

Professional estate planning law firm serving Austin, Dripping Springs, and Central Texas

PHONE: 512.777.1486
EMAIL: josh@reynalaw.com

13341 W US Hwy 290, Bldg. 2
Austin, TX 78737


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